FMM Scholarly Activity Collaborative Click here for updated information about the Scholarly Activity Collaborative (SAC) Family Medicine Midwest Scholarly Activity Collaborative (SAC) aims to connect residency programs across the Midwest. During this four-hour meeting we will introduce the concept of collaboratives, discuss the past and present of the SAC, introduce our first project – “Experiences with the First Year of Geographic and Preference Signalling Among Programs in the Midwest” – and reviewing our structure, mission and vision, and selecting leaders for the upcoming year. Dr. Rick Guthmann will present their experience with the STFM Family Medicine Learning Network Leadership Training. This meeting is appropriate for residency faculty and residents who are interested in quality improvement and scholarship. However, students are welcome to attend. Presenters: Rick Guthmann, MD, Kwanza Devlin,MD, Lauren Oshman,MD & Jake Prunuske, MD Learning objectives: 1. Participants will discuss three benefits for scholarly activity collaboratives. 2. Participants will verbalize one way in which a scholarly activity collaborative can meet resident and faculty scholarship requirements. 3. Participants will demonstrate how to develop a qualitative interview guide and have the opportunity to participate in a focus group for a pilot scholarly activity pilot. Friday September 28, 2023Agenda 9-930 AM - Agenda and Introductions: How can a scholarly collaborative help you and your program 930-10 AM - Review the mission, vision, and values and leadership plan for the year BREAK 1030-11:30AM Project development: “Geographic and Preference Signaling” 11:30-12PM Next steps and wrap up Intended audience: Residency faculty and residents interested in a career or focused residency project in QI.