Faculty Development Collaborative at 2023 Family Medicine Midwest Conference Objectives of the FD collaborative Session: 1-Identify and compare key elements of 3 Family Medicine Residency Faculty Development Training Programs. 2- Practice a few teaching skills development strategies. 3- Become involved in a new faculty development collaborative in the Midwest to share best practices, provide a discussion forum, and discuss next steps of the collaborative based on participants’ needs. Presenters: Alicia Vazquez MD, Flanigan, MD, and Janice L. Benson MD and Aarohi Munshi, MD. Suggested Audience: The Faculty Development Collaborative will be open to all faculty, residents and students interested in FD issues. Programs should be prepared to identify a champion in their respective institutions for future collaboration. Friday September 29, 2023 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Part A: 9:00 -10:00 am–Introductions 1. Presentation of Residency FD Program (AV, AM-F-10 mins) Ascension IL Saint Mary Chicago FMR will review key elements of a 3-year successful FD program.
2. Presentation of Residency FD Program (JLB 10 mins) Northshore/U of C FMR will review key elements of a 7-year successful FD program.
3. Presentation of Residency FD program (AM 10 mins) UI Rockford FMR will review key elements of their FD program
4. Needs Assessment: Introductions. What brought you to this session? What do you hope to get out of this session and Collaborative? (30 mins) BREAK 10-10:30 am Part B: 10:30am – 12:00 pm - Diving into Faculty Development methods & continued Needs Assessment for the new FD Collaborative 1. Systematic Approach to Learners in Difficulty. Ascension IL Saint Mary Chicago In residency programs, we all deal with learners in difficulty. We will conduct an interactive discussion on dealing with challenging learners. Participants will be introduced to and be able to apply a systematic approach to identify and support learners in difficulty. Participants will have the opportunity to share their program experiences and to incorporate newly learned strategies. (30 mins) 2.Precepting -best practices. UI Rockford program. One residency program has monthly faculty development sessions. A major focus is on improving teaching skills. This session will show and tell the key tools and concepts this program uses. (15 mins) 3. Peer Observations in Precepting. Northshore/U of C FMR We teach about precepting, but we don't often observe each other. In this session, participants will learn and apply commonly available tools to observing another faculty in outpatient precepting. The one-minute preceptor and the Ask-tell-ask feedback methods will be used. Participants will discuss ways they can implement a peer observation program at home. (15 mins) 4. Continue needs assessment discussion. What would your program like to get out of a FD collaborative? What skills does your program bring to the collaborative? What skills do you as a participant hope to learn? PART B(30 mins)